This problem can be solve in simpler O(NsqrtN) solution, but I will describe O(NlogN) one.
We will solve this problem in offline. For each x (0 ≤ x < n) we should keep all the queries that end in x. Iterate that x from 0 to n - 1. Also we need to keep some array D such that for current x Dl + Dl + 1 + ... + Dx will be the answer for query [l;x]. To keep D correct, before the processing all queries that end in x, we need to update D. Let t be the current integer in A, i. e. Ax, and vector P be the list of indices of previous occurences of t (0-based numeration of vector). Then, if |P| ≥ t, you need to add 1 to DP[|P| - t], because this position is now the first (from right) that contains exactly t occurences of t. After that, if |P| > t, you need to subtract 2 from DP[|P| - t - 1], in order to close current interval and cancel previous. Finally, if |P| > t + 1, then you need additionally add 1 to DP[|P| - t - 2] to cancel previous close of the interval.
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include